Goodbye 2020

New growth after forest fire - Midlife Change Coach

So much is being said about the end of 2020. The overwhelming feeling is one of ‘good riddance’.

I can understand this feeling for all those who lost someone to Covid this year. For key workers that worked harder than they’ve ever worked. For thousands of people who have had their incomes decimated and for those who lost their jobs completely. For the children whose education has been so disrupted and perhaps some of their future chances limited…. I could go on…. but we have all heard a lot about what has not been good in this year.

As we approach the start of a new year the image of new growth sprouting after a forest fire occurs to me.

New growth after fire - Midlife Change Coach
New shoots after fire

There is no doubt that the Covid pandemic has been devastating and it has wreaked havoc with many lives. But, in some cases, amongst the wreckage, can be seen the shoots of something new.

Many people have used the crisis to reassess their priorities. Changes in employment and working from home have enabled some to consider relocation. Relationships have been strained and strengthened. I’m not suggesting that any of this was easy. Some of the new growth has occurred where previously people felt that they just wanted to carry on with things as they were. In some cases, people have felt they have had little choice but to adapt to their changing circumstances. But what begins from necessity can develop into invention, creativity, joy and fulfilment.

As we all say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to a new year, I hope that you can see, even the tiniest new shoots that are beginning to appear.

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