Zone your resolutions for success.

Success Steps

At this time of year there are numerous articles and posts about resolutions and goals. Many outline the top reasons that they fail (sometimes before January is even finished!). Others outline the top 7 or 10 ways to increase the chance of success.

You’ll be relieved to hear that you’re not about to read just another one to add to the pile. Instead, I’ve read a ton of them on your behalf and synthesised their conclusions. While different authors focus on different parts of the picture, it seems to me that it comes down to choices and what I am going to call the “3 zones of choice”.

Zone 1 – The actual goal or resolution you choose.

Zone 2 – Why you chose that goal/resolution.

Zone 3 – The support you give the choice.

By looking at all 3 of these zones a bit closer you will see that most advice fits into one of these. Each zone can be accomplished in different ways, but success lies in adequately covering all 3. The high rates of failure with New Year’s resolutions and other life goals can be explained by a neglect of one (or even 2) of these key zones in relation to the goal.

Zone 1 – What choice of goal/resolution you make

This seems obvious and most people concentrate on this one. Some people even spend time discussing whether to call them resolutions or goals! There is advice to dream big versus advice to be realistic. Many authors suggest goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Limiting the number of goals/resolutions you choose and creating sub-goals etc. There is much wisdom here, but the application of it will vary between individuals.

Zone 2 – Why that choice

Understanding ‘why’ a particular goal/resolution was chosen is not as frequently talked about. Often, we know what it is we want to do, but we don’t always understand the ‘why’ we want to do it. Yet, gaining this understanding can make us much more likely to achieve the goal. The big picture is often more motivational.

Zone 3 – Support your choice

Supporting the choice of goal/resolution is often highlighted. This can be supporting yourself via keeping a record of progress and giving rewards at certain milestones. It can come in the form of technology, using a variety of apps etc. Family and friends can be called upon. For some authors the various methods create an accountability structure to sustain change. For others, they are seen simply as the support which will provide necessary encouragement and increase our likelihood of success.

As I said at the beginning, when making a resolution or deciding on a goal, pay attention to all 3 zones, in a way that suits you as an individual. Equally, if you are already struggling with one of your resolutions for this year, check back across all 3 zones and make sure you have given thought to each one and where necessary put something in place.

I hope you find this “3 zones of choice” approach to goals and resolutions helpful. Whatever choices you make for 2021 I wish you success.

January Offer

Support your choices for 2021

Many of us will start January with plans and good intentions. To keep up that momentum and to increase your chance of success … there’s coaching.

What could you make happen with 4 sessions of coaching?
• What decisions will you make?
• What goals will you further?
• What actions will you take?

To take advantage of this offer simply press the big red button, before the 31st January, to schedule your free introductory call (this is not one of your 4 sessions).

(the button above will take you to my calendar scheduling system)

Offer ended 1st February 2021

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